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Oral Drug Delivery Technology
Author(s) :A V Jithan

ISBN : 9789381075951
Name : Oral Drug Delivery Technology
Price : Currency 1995.00
Edition : 2nd Edition
Author/s : A V Jithan
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 659
Year of Publication : 2012
Publisher : PharmaMed Press/BSPBooks
Binding : Hardback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book

Since the release of the first edition of 'Oral Drug Delivery Technology' book, several things changed such as generic market in India, especially oral formulations has doubled. We are now supplying generic drugs to several countries of the world. Rules of their acceptance into respective markets have rigidified. Exploratory pharmaceutics in India is still receiving lukewarm attention. However, this is slowly changing in big pharmaceutical companies in India. Now pharmaceutical companies are trying to introduce new drugs into global markets. Strong preformulation teams, intelligent formulators, proficient regulatory managers, superior production managers are now needed more than before.

                The second edition has been modified to cater the needs of pharmaceutical professionals in the above mentioned areas in a better way. Although central theme of this edition remained the same as that of the first edition, the following changes have been executed:

· The structure of the book is revamped to give a more elegant look and comprehensive overview. Several chapters have been revised and expanded to provide greater insight. 

· The entire chapter on oral formulations has been given a totally new look. Description of all types of oral formulations has been included in this one chapter.

· A chapter on process validation has been added.

· Chapters on safety and toxicity of new drug substances and Pharmaceutical statistics have been deleted to bring more attention to pharmaceutics and industrial pharmacy.

· The book can be used as a textbook as well as reference book for B.Pharm, M. Pharm and Ph.D. students and can be used as a quick reference by the industrial scientists.


1. New Drug Substances, 2. Biotechnology Products, 3. Evaluation of Early Development Candidates: Physical Properties, 4. Complementary Techniques for Solid State Drug Analysis, 5. Gastro Intestinal Tract Membrane: Drug Transport and Biopharmaceutics, 6. Drug Absorption Assessment, 7. Drug Absorption Enhancement, 8. Salt Selection and characterization, 9. Prodrugs: Design, Kinetic Study and Synthesis, 10. Regulatory Affairs, 11. Oral Formulations, 12. Pharmacokinetics, 13. Clinical Trials and Bioavailability Studies, 14. Pharmaceutical Technology, 15. Product Processing and Evaluation, 16. Process Validation, 17. Quality Control, 18. Dissolution Testing, 19. Statistical Quality Control

About the Authors

Dr. A.V. Jithan is currently a Principal and Professor at Mother Teresa College of Pharmacy, Hyderabad. Since 1996, Dr. Jithan has conducted research and lectured nationally and internationally in areas related to drug delivery and pharmaceutical development. He previously worked at Multinational companies which include Novartis Ophthalmics, Atlanta, USA, Ranbaxy Research Laboratores, Delhi, India and also worked at Vaagdevi College of Pharmacy, Warangal, India. Dr. Jithan has a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from University of Nebraska, USA. He completed his B.Pharm in 1994 from Kakatiya University and M.Pharm in 1996 from Andhra University. He also holds an Advanced Certificate in Clinical Research from Catalyst Clinical Services, New Delhi. He has several international patents to his credit. Currently, Dr. Jithan is advising several M.Pharm and Ph.D. students on areas related to drug delivery and formulation development. He has totally 50 publications to his credits. Several publications are cited in peer-reviewed international journals. He is also the Co-Editor for the Series on Advanced in Drug Delivery, published by Pharma Book Syndicate. In addition, he is also a recipient of several awards and honors. He is a recipient of gold medals for academic excellence in his M.Pharmacy. He is the Associate Fellow of prestigious AP Akademi of Sciences and Fellow of Association for Biotechnology and Pharmacy, Guntur. He is also the recipient of Fast Track Young Investigator Grant from SERC-DST, Govt of India.
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