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Hydraulic Machines: Fundamentals of Hydraulic Power Systems
Author(s) :P. Kumar

ISBN : 9788178002699
Name : Hydraulic Machines: Fundamentals of Hydraulic Power Systems
Price : Currency 350.00
Author/s : P. Kumar
Type : Text Book
Pages : 361
Year of Publication : 2012
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

This book has been documented with the aim to include those fundamentals of 'Hydraulic Machines' which are necessary at graduate level engineering courses of any University.

                Basic Hydraulics is extensively used in various applications in industry, construction, mining and marine engineering. The subject is part of graduate level engineering courses in mechanical, civil, mining and marine engineering studies, worldwide. Most of the literature however is either written with a commercial objective to promote the sale of the manufactures or they are theoretically too advanced for comprehension by the graduate level engineering students. The rapid advancement in design, miniaturization, metallurgy and hydraulic fluid characteristics have stimulated the demand for an elementary book, explaining fundamentals. Readers are supposed to be familiar with the elementary fluid mechanics, and basics of gears, piston, crank and different livers. This book include those fundamentals of fluid transmission of power which are necessary at graduate mechanical engineering, civil engineering, mining engineering and marine engineering courses of any university.

                Particular attention is paid to ensure that the contents of the book is restricted for the beginners in the field. Appendices have been added for understanding of various units used in hydraulics, in different parts of the world. Symbols of hydraulic circuit designs are appended in the end as appendix - D.


1. Basic Fluid Mechanics, 2. Hydraulic Transmission Of Power, 3. Fluids For Hydraulic Systems, 4. Hydraulic Pumps, 5. Rotodynamic Pump, 6. Hydraulic Accumulator, 7. Hydraulic Motors, 8. Rotodyne Transmission, 9. Turbines

About the Authors:

P. Kumar passed Ph. D. in Fluid Mechanics from Banaras Hindu University, Varansai, India in 1973. He published many papers on advanced fluid mechanics as CSIR Post Doctoral fellow. His area of research covered boundary layer control, fluid power transmission, Magneto-Hydrodynamics (MHD), aerodynamics, air-pollution dispersion modeling, atmospheric dynamics, in general and tropical storms, severe convective storms in particular. He is Professor and Head of the Department of Core Engineering and Engineering Sciences. He has been teaching graduate, post graduate and Ph.D. level courses in advance fluid mechanics, numerical analysis and Computational Fluid Dynamics for more than 20 years.

                 He has been conferred with coveted “Bharat Jyoti Award”- meaning Light of India - by reputed India International Friendship Society (IIFS) in 2012. He was awarded the "President of India" medal in 1970 and the "Best Application Paper" award in 1993 at the National Systems Conference held at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India.

                From 1975 to 1997 he worked in the meteorological branch of the Indian Air Force as a commissioned officer; thereafter, as senior scientist at Defense Laboratory, Jodhpur (1997-2003), and then as Principal Investigator(2003-2006) at the Department of Mining Engineering, Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur.  He has 22 Years of teaching experience and has published one book entitled “Hailstorm: Prediction, Control and Damage Assessment”, BS Publications, and 68 research papers. Dr. P. Kumar has been Principal Investigator in several successfully completed research projects funded by the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO), and the Aeronautical Research and Development Board, Government of India. Currently he is Principal Investigator of an ongoing mega-multidisciplinary research project funded by the Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR), Government of India on “Hailstorm Management in India”.
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