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Indian Culture Values and Professional Ethics (For Professional Students)
Author(s) :P. S. R. Murty

ISBN : 9789381075708
Name : Indian Culture Values and Professional Ethics (For Professional Students)
Price : Currency 250.00
Edition : 2nd Edition
Author/s : P. S. R. Murty
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 210
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2023
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

Several universities in India have recognized the need to introduce a course in Human Values and Professional Ethics. In view of the degradation of moral values and degeneration of cultural values it is a development in the right direction. This book is written to be of assistance to all such courses. This book differs from the existing few books in this field in the fact that it contains information about the ancient Indian culture along with various other cultures that developed around the world. This forms the foundation for the value system in this country. It is expected that the present day youth should derive inspiration from the past glory and great achievements, ignoring the deficiencies if any.

                Progress is always from the past into the future taking the best from everything and every where.

                It is hoped that this small book will be found to be useful by the academicians in this field dealing with culture, values and professional ethics.


1. Indian Culture, 2. Values and Value Education, 3. Ethics, 4. Professional Ethics, 5. Engineering Ethics

About the Author

Born on 4th April 1939 the author obtained his Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from Govindram Sakseria Institute of Science and Technology, Indore in 1961 and his Master's degree from University of Poona (Pune) in 1964. After a period of three year senior fellowship from Ministry of Education , Government of India in technical teaching at College of Engineering, Poona he worked as lecturer and assistant professor at Regional Engineering College ( NIT)  Warangal  from 1964 to 1977. He was a German Academic Exchange scholarship holder at Technical University of Berlin during 1970 to 1972. He was awarded Doctoral degree by the same university in 1972 in Electrical power Engineering. From 1977 to 1997 he was a professor at Osmania University and held various academic and administrative positions. From 1998 onwards he is associated with Sreenidhi institute of Science and technology, Hyderabad.

                He is an active researcher, guided several candidates and continues to guide candidates for doctoral programs in electrical engineering. He traveled extensively Europe and the United states of America. He was a visiting professor at University of Salahaddin, Arbil in Iraq during 1986-1988 through Ministry of External affairs, Government of India.

                He wrote several  text books in electrical power engineering :

                Modeling of Power system Components, Power System Operation and Control, Power System Analysis and Power Systems. In addition he also wrote two books on Vedic literature: A Vedic Science Primer and Brahma Gyana Deepika (in Telugu). All these books are published by                     BS Publications, Hyderabad.

                He participated in several yoga programs and is a Master of Usui and Karuna Reiki.
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