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Fundamentals of Intellectual Property for Engineers
Author(s) :Kompal Bansal, Parikshit Bansal

ISBN : 9788178002774
Name : Fundamentals of Intellectual Property for Engineers
Price : Currency 450.00
Author/s : Kompal Bansal, Parikshit Bansal
Type : Text Book
Pages : 492
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2020
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book

One does not have to be a mechanical engineer to drive a car. Similarly, for engineers, there is no requirement of a legal background to study and apply the concepts of intellectual property. What exactly is intellectual property or IP? Intellectual Property (IP) refers to “creations of the mind or ‘intellect’ having commercial value and which can be bought and sold just like physical property.” Legal rights associated with ‘intellectual property’ are called ‘intellectual property rights’ (IPRs).

Though largely confined to and taught in law schools, the subject of ‘intellectual property rights’ is equally important for engineers. It teaches them how ‘ideas’ can be converted to ‘wealth’, how new career opportunities can be tapped and how ‘intellectual capital’ can also be used to create their own companies apart from ‘physical capital’.  IP opens new opportunities in consultancy for engineering professionals. Though the subject of IP may be common to both law schools and engineers, the focus and treatment of the subject for both cannot be same. It has to be different because while litigation and enforcement issues are important for a law student, practical aspects related to protection of ideas, innovations and also usefulness of knowledge of IPRs in professional careers are of importance for engineers. This book has been written specially for engineers. It strives to address their needs relating to important aspects of intellectual property, which can play a critical role not only in their professional development but also in the better application of their ‘intellect’ in the larger interests of society.

This book shows you how to :

·         Identify whether your innovative ideas have commercial value  and which IP mechanism is suitable to protect them

·         Protect your ideas by filing a patent in India or abroad

·         Identify powerful new career opportunities in the area of intellectual property for engineers

·         Know about importance of international treaties and organizations such as TRIPS, Berne Convention, Hague Declaration, PCT,  WTO, WIPO,  etc. for engineers

·         Improve the overall quality and impact of  your research projects


1.  1. Intellectual Property Rights and their usefulness for Engineers, 2. Intellectual Property vs. Physical or conventional Property, 3. Usefulness of Patents for Engineers, 4. Practical aspects of filing a Patent in  India and Abroad, 5. Copyright and its usefulness in Engineering, 6. Practical aspects of Copyright Registration and Transfer, 7. Industrial Design Registration and its usefulness in Engineering, 8. Practical aspects of Industrial Design Registration  in  India and Abroad, 9. Trade Secrets- Importance for Engineers, 10. Trademarks- Importance in Engineering, 11. Trademarks- Importance in Engineering, 12. Legislations and Policy, 13. Digital Innovations and Developments as Knowledge Assets, 14. IP Laws, Cyberlaws and Digital Content Protection, 15. Practical Assignments

About the Author


Kompal Bansal is an electronics engineer a practising Patent and Trademark Agent and also the inventor of a unique Bio-Medical device (laryngoscope) for which she has been granted a patent (In211367).

Dr.Parikshit Bansal is an IP Educator, Industry Consultant and also an inventor having several patents to his credit, including a US patent. The authors in this thought provoking book have unraveled the subject of Intellectual Property Rights for Engineers, in a very ‘user friendly’ manner by liberal use of ‘case stories’, practical examples and weblinks.  For policy makers / teachers in Engineering Colleges / Institutes who wish to introduce IPR teaching in the curriculum, this book is a valuable resource. It contains a ‘Model Syllabus’ which can be easily adopted as all chapters are conveniently arranged in ‘modules’ for easy coverage and teaching.
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