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Role Of Biotechnology in Medicinal And Aromatic Plants
Author(s) :Irfan Ali Khan, Atiya Khanum

ISBN : 8190044184
Name : Role Of Biotechnology in Medicinal And Aromatic Plants
Price : Currency 750.00
Edition : Revised
Volume : Volume -I
Author/s : Irfan Ali Khan, Atiya Khanum
Type : Text Book
Pages : 319
Year of Publication : 2013
Publisher : Ukaaz/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. Role of biotechnology in medicinal and aromatic plants-retrospect and prospect: Introductory remarks, 2.Anticancer agents of plant origin, 3. Antimalarials of plant origin, 4. Micropropagation of medicinal and aromatic plants, 5. Micropropagation and conservation of medicinal plants, 6.Biotechnological routes of mass propagation of santalum album L., 7.Biotechnological investigations in medicinal plants for the production of secondary metabolites, 8. Secondary metabolites: A biotechnological perspective, 9. Biotechnological advances in phytochemical production, 10. Hairy root cultures: An experimental system for secondary metabolite production, 11.Natural compounds from cultured hairy roots, 12. Biosynthesis of diosgenin in tissue cultures of medicinal and aromatic plants, 13. Role of biotechnology in spices crop improvement, Biotechnological approaches in the improvement of citrus, 14.  Aphrodisiac palnts of aravalli hills with special reference to safed musli, 15. Artemisia pallens wall (davana): Phytochemistry,in vitro culture and germplasm conservation,16. Comparative studies between normal and tissue cultured plants of Bacopa monnieri(L.)Pennell, 17. In vitro culture studies on Kaempferia galanga L., 18. Some fundamental and applied aspects of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, 19. Elicitation and immobilization of cell cultures for enhanced synthesis of pharmaceutical compounds, 20. Permeabilization of plant cell cultures, 21. Plant cell immobilization, 22. Immobilization of plant cells.

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