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Role Of Biotechnology in Medicinal And Aromatic Plants
Author(s) :Irfan Ali Khan, Atiya Khanum

ISBN : 8190044192
Name : Role Of Biotechnology in Medicinal And Aromatic Plants
Price : Currency 1250.00
Edition : Revised
Volume : Volume -II
Author/s : Irfan Ali Khan, Atiya Khanum
Type : Text Book
Pages : 453
Year of Publication : 2013
Publisher : Ukaaz / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. Plant biotechnology in aid if AIDS, 2. Biotechnological approaches for the development of anticancer drugs from plants, 3. Research on camptothecins in India, 4. Use and abuse of psycho-active plant drugs with special reference to unani medicine, 5.Production of vaccines by transgenic plants, 6. Antimicrobial principles from in vivo and tissue culture of arid zone plants, 7. Biotechnology of medicinal plants: Recent advances and potential, 8.Biotechnological approaches to the medicinal plants of aravalli hills with special reference to Commiphora wightii, 9. In vitro studies and analysis of bioactive ingredients of Ammi majus L., 10. Tissue culture of Pelargonium graveolens L.’ Her.ex.ait(Geranium), 11. Gynogenic haploids-problems and perspectives: Ovary culture of Boswellia serrata Roxb.(Burseraceae), 12.rapid propagation of medicinal and aromatic plants in liquid media in novel culture vessel (Growtek ), 13. In vitro propagation of Ayurvedic palnts, 14. Micropropagation studies in Eclipta alba (L.) hassk.:A medicinal plant, 15 . In vitro propagation of Curculigo orchioides(Gaertn),16. Pineapple and biotechnological approaches for mass propagation, 17.Biotechnology of tree spices of South India, 18. Tissue culture in spice crops: Some applied aspects, 19. Aromatic compounds from cultured cells, tissues and organs: I. The prior art, 20.Biotechnology –a boon in aromatic grass Cymbopogon spreng(Poaceae), 21.Biotechnological advances in an under exploited native aromatic crop(Jasminum sambas var.’ aeyaneanum’), 22.Biotechnological approaches of aromatic trees –relevance to Chloroxylon swietenia  DC.:Micropropagation and its phytochemical studies, 23. Role of plants biotechnology in production of secondary metabolites, 24. Biotechnological approaches in the production of secondary metabolites from medicinal plants, 25. Production of secondary metabolites in bioreactor, 26. In vitro studies on secondary metabolites production:Aspects and prospects, 27.Production of bioactive compounds from immobilized plant cells, 28.Hairy root culture and secondary metabolite production.


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