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Handbook of Optical Design
Author(s) :Daniel Malacara, Zacarías Malacara

ISBN : 9780824746131
Name : Handbook of Optical Design
Price : Currency 3500.00
Edition : 2nd Edition
Author/s : Daniel Malacara, Zacarías Malacara
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 533
Year of Publication : Rpt.2013
Publisher : CRC Press/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book

Infused with more than 500 tables and figures, this reference clearly illustrates the intricacies of optical system design and evaluation and considers key aspects of component selection, optimization, and integration for the development of effective optical apparatus. The book provides a much-needed update on the vanguard in the field with vivid explanations of computer-aided strategies and developments essential for success in the engineering of modern optical structures.

Analyzes the performance of a wide range of optical materials, components, and systems, from simple magnifiers to complex lenses used in photography, ophthalmology, telescopes, microscopes, and projection systems.


1. Geometrical Optics Principles, 2. Thin Lenses and Spherical Mirrors, 3. Systems of Several Lenses and Thick Lenses, 4. Spherical Aberration, 5. Monochromatic Off-Axis Aberration, 6. Chromatic Aberrations, 7. The Aberration Polynomial, 8. Diffraction in Optical Systems, 9. Computer Evaluation of Optical Systems, 10. Prisms, 11. Simple Optical Systems and Photographic Lenses, 12. Complex Photographic Lenses, 13. The Human Eye and Ophthalmic Lenses, 14. Astronomical Telescopes, 15. Visual Systems, Visual Telescopes, and Afocal systems, 16. Microscopes, 17. Projection Systems, 18. Lens Design Optimization
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