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C and C++ programming concepts and Data structures
Author(s) :P. S. Subramanyam

ISBN : 9788178002842
Name : C and C++ programming concepts and Data structures
Price : Currency 595.00
Author/s : P. S. Subramanyam
Type : Text Book
Pages : 819
Year of Publication : 2013
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book

This book has been designed to provide an insight into the fundamentals of Programming and Data Structures in C and C++ making a comparitive study.

A good knowledge of C and C++ which is a fore runner to Object Oriented Programming is necessary for all Engineers and Scientists to tackle real time problems involving a voluminous data of different types and structures.

Salient features of the book :

· Basic concepts and features in C and C++ are explained lucidly and compared. Common features are given first, and special features separately.

· Comprehensions and Exercises are provided for each chapter.

· Many programs in C and C++ have been chosen and presented for perfect understanding, highlighting the usage and placement of the important features. Necessary comments have been provided.

· The book provides a comparitive study of C and C++ including Data Structures to make C++ easily understandable.


1. Introduction to computers, 2. Basics of programming, 3. Declarations in C and C++, 4. Operators and expressions, 5. Input and output operations in C, 6. Decision and loop control statements, 7. Arrays, 8. Functions, 9. Storage class modifiers, 10. Pointers, 11. Pre-processor directives, 12. Structure and union, 13. File operations in C, 14. Dynamic memory allocation - I  (linked lists), 15. Dynamic memory allocation – II (stacks and queues), 16. Operations on data structures (searching and sorting), 17. Classes and objects in C++, 18. Inheritance, 19. Different types of overloading in C++, 20. Polymorphism, 21. Input-output operations in C++, 22. File operations in C++, 23. Special features in C++, 24. Abstract data type (adt) programs

About the Author

Dr. P.S. Subramanyam, a Ph.D from IIT, Madras has a vast experience in Industry and Teaching. Being an expert in CSE & IT, ECE and EEE, he has taught B.Tech, M.Tech. students and guided a number of Ph.D scholars. He has also guided a number of projects at B.Tech and M.Tech levels. He  has headed the Departments of Computer Science and Information Technology over more than two decades. He has authored “Numerical Methods with C Programs”, “Text book of Electrical Engineering” and “Basic Electrical Engineering” published by B.S. Publications, Hyderabad.
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