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Book Details
Environmental Impact Assessment Methodologies
Author(s) :Y. Anjaneyulu, Valli Manickam

ISBN : 9788178001446
Name : Environmental Impact Assessment Methodologies
Price : Currency 995.00
Edition : 2nd Edition
Author/s : Y. Anjaneyulu, Valli Manickam
Type : Text Book
Pages :
Year of Publication : 2008
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book

The Second Edition of Environmental Impact Assessment Methodologies is designed covering basic concepts and important methodologies. Prediction and assessment of impacts on soil and groundwater management, surface water management, biological Environment, air environment, impact of noise on environment, socio-economic and human health impacts are covered.


• A new chapter on environmental risk assessment and risk management in EIA is included

• Application of Remote Sensing and GIS and Preparation of EIA with specific case studies are added

• This comprehensive second edition is aimed to serve the needs of students who take course on EIA, Environmental Management and Environmental planning and also to serve the Environmental Managers and EIA Practitioners


1. Fundamental Approach to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) 2. EIA Methodologies 3. Prediction and Assessment of Impacts on Soil and Ground Water Environment 4. Prediction and Assessment of Impacts on Surface Water Environment 5. Prediction and Assessment of Impacts on Biological Environment 6. Prediction and Assessment of Impacts on the Air Environment 7. Prediction and Assessment of Impacts of Noise on the Environment 8. Prediction and Assessment of Impacts of Socio-Economic and Human Health Impacts 9. Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) and Risk Management in EIA 10. Application of Remote Sensing and GIS for EIA 11. EIA Case Studies

About the Author

Y. Anjaneyulu is presently working as Visiting Professor in Environment and Chemistry Department and also Director TLGVRC at Jackson State University, Mississippi, USA. He received his Ph.D in Environmental Chemistry in 1972. He worked as Professor, Head of Department, Center for Environmental Science and also Director, Institute of Science and Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad. He had 34 years of teaching experience at Postgraduate level and published more than 129 Research papers in various National and International journals. He also guided 26 PhDs, 15 M.Phils and a large number of M.Sc and M.Tech dissertations. He has authored “Introduction to Environment Science” published by BS Publications, Hyderabad which is well received by students of engineering stream. Valli Manikham, PhD is presently working at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad. She has worked in various research projects under UGC, DST and AICTE. She has about 10 years of teaching experience at Postgraduate level in Centre for Environment Science JNTU, Hyderabad.

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