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Foundations in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Author(s) :B. P. Nagori, Roshan Issarani

ISBN : 9788188449407
Name : Foundations in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Price : Currency 1395.00
Author/s : B. P. Nagori, Roshan Issarani
Type : Text Book
Pages : 285
Year of Publication : 2008
Publisher : PharmaMed Press/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book

This book is written, keeping the undergraduate students in mind, with the aim to develop foundation of the novice in the field of biotechnology. The book is written in simple and easy to understand language. The various fundamental concepts involved are explained lucidly with vivid diagrams and suitable illustrations. This book deals with genetics and genetic engineering principles with applications in pharmaceutical biotechnology, fermentation process, plant cell/tissue culture and animal cell/ tissue/organ culture, Hybridoma technology & novel methods for the production of monoclonal antibodies, transformative capacity of microbes in production of hard to synthesize pharmaceuticals , methods of cell immobilization and their applications, environmental and Social role of biotechnology and bioinformatics.


 • Question Bank, Photo Gallery and Some Useful Websites.

• Objective questions related to biotechnology from GATE Pharmaceutical Sciences and Life Sciences.


1. Introduction 2. Genetic material and its engineering 3. Enzymes and enzyme immobilization 4. Fermentation 5. Plant culture 6. Animal culture 7. Monoclonal antibodies 8. Microbial transformation 9. Cell immobilization 10. Halometabolites 11. Biomass: Energy production 12. Bioinformatics 13. Bioterms, biodevices and bioapplications 14. Biotechnology: Two sides of a coin

About the Author

Prof. (Dr.) B.P. Nagori, M. , M.B.A., PhD, LL.B. is presently working as Professor and Director Lachoo Memorial College of Science and Technology, Jodhpur. He is also the founder Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy, Rájasthan University of Health Sciences, Jaipur. He has 25 years of experience in Manufacturing, Teaching, Research & Development and Administration. He has guided 60 M. Pharm and 3 PhD. candidates and 12 candida4es are pursuing Ph.D. under his guidance. He has published papers in reputed national and international journals. Dr. Roslian issarani, M.Pharm. Ph.D, is presently working in Lachoo Memorial College of. Science and Technology, Jodhpur as Reader ; He has 12 years of experience in teaching and marketing. He has guided 10 M.Pharm. and 12 candidates are pursuing Ph.D. under his guidance. He has published few papers in reputed journals.

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