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Pharmaceutical Industrial Management
Author(s) :G. Vidya Sagar

ISBN : 9788188449490
Name : Pharmaceutical Industrial Management
Price : Currency 1495.00
Author/s : G. Vidya Sagar
Type : Text Book
Pages : 365
Year of Publication : 2008
Publisher : PharmaMed Press/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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1. Management, 2. Principles of Management, 3. Administrative Management, 4. Production Management, 5. Materials Management Control, 6. Personnel Management, 7. Pharmaceutical Marketing, 8. Channels of Distribution, 9. Salesmanship, 10. Marketing Research, 11. Personnel Management Functions, 12. Accounting and its Principles, 13. Recording of the Business Transactions, 14. Trial Balance and Errors, 15. Financial Statements, 16. Bank Reconciliation Statement, 17. Bills of Exchange, 18. Treatment of Cheques, 19. Economics, 20. Trade, 21. Insurance, 22. Labour Welfare

About the Author

Dr. G. Vidya Sagar, Professor & Principal, ASN College of Pharmacy, Tenali, A.P., is a dynamic personality in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences. He has 19 years of rich teaching experience at undergraduate level. He has 70 research publications and more than 100 review articles in the peer reviewed professional journals of repute. The Book "Prinicples & Practice of Pharmaceutical Industrial Management" is an outcome of his teaching expertise in the subject for the last 10 years.

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