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Book Details
Modern Dispensing Pharmacy
Author(s) :N. K. Jain, G. D. Gupta

ISBN : 9788188449385
Name : Modern Dispensing Pharmacy
Price : Currency 1395.00
Author/s : N. K. Jain, G. D. Gupta
Type : Text Book
Pages : 333
Year of Publication : 2008
Publisher : PharmaMed Press/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book

Dispensing of medication remains an art and a most exacting science, which pharmacists are supposed to master. Obviously modern pharmacists have to cope with their changing role and this has been the focal theme in presenting this text on Modern Dispensing Pharmacy. Attempts have been made to inculcate the newer concepts and latest knowledge relevant to a pharmacist as dispenser of medicines that is greatly facilitated with the knowledge of computers and user friendly softwares.


• To maintain a balance between the traditional and the modern practice of dispensing, this text covers briefly the basic techniques of compounding and introduces the modern concepts in adequate details.

• Appendices provided in this book gives useful information relevant to the dispensing pharmacist.


1. Introduction 2. Dispensing procedure 3. Containers and Closures 4. Pharmaceutical Calculation 5. Posology 6. Prescription 7. Solid Dosage Forms 8. Tablets 9. Capsules 10. Liquid Dosage Forms 11. Suspension 12. Emulsion 13. Semisolid Dosage Forms 14. Suppositories 15. Ophthalmic Preparations 16. Parenteral Formulations 17. Incompatibility 18. Community Pharmacy 19. Dispensing of Proprietaries 20. Drug Interaction 21. Future Trends in Dispensing

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