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Watersheds : Comprehensive Development
Author(s) :K. V. Seshagiri Rao

ISBN : 8178000040
Name : Watersheds : Comprehensive Development
Price : Currency 995.00
Author/s : K. V. Seshagiri Rao
Type : Text Book
Pages : 398
Year of Publication : 2010
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book

Watershed has become the pivotal point and plays a prominent role for soil and land development works. There is tremendous gap in availability of literature on Watershed related works.

The present book is a practical guide to all personnel working on watershed, at different levels. The contents not only encompass, whether it is related to Watershed characterization, Watershed requirements, land development livestock development, organic farming systems, silvipastoral approach, renewable energy sources and homestead farming systems but also development of people in the watershed. The whole of gamut of watershed is available in this book. Everybody engaged in watershed related study or working in the Watershed aieas could find answers for all their problems. Species of vegetation suitable for plantations wiether it is in agricultural lands or non-arable lands or in drainage line treatment are specifically indicated in this book.

Their adaptablity in several agro-climatic conditions also has been specified. Design, measurements and modes of execution of soil and water conservation structures have also been elaborately mentioned in the book.

We are sure that this functions not only as a guide, but also as philosopher to the scientists working in Watershed. Several ways and means to harness people’s participation also have been indicated to ensure that Watershed programmes are a definite success. This book is more valuable and handy to persons in Academic Circles and also the students at PG and Ph. D levels as Watershed is on the cirriculum.


1. Introduction 2. Watershed Characterisation 3. Watershed Management 4. Watershed Treatment-Selection of Watershed 5. Watershed Treatment (arable lands) 6. Watershed Treatment (Non-arable lands) 7. Live stock Management 8. Drainage and Drainage Line Treatment 9. Organic Farming 10. House hold Production Systems 11. Energy Conservation 12. Peoples Participation 13. Women in watershed 14. Training 15. Extension 16. Modern Techniques 17. Project Review & Budget

About the Author

Sri Kovur Venkata Seshagiri Rao has completed his M.Sc. iriNeth1erlar1ds.iHe has worked as an Agricultural Officer in Govt. of A. P. for ab6ut 1 8tyarsand as Gr. A” Sr. Class 1 Officer in GOl services and presently he is Executive(Director, in Geo Environmental Management Services (GEMS). His experience the area of soil I watershed management is vast. He has conducted Several suveys, Reconnaissance and detailed soil surveys and Priority Delineation stirveys under Ministry of Agriculture. He has monitored and completed many Special Remote Sensing projects. His special achievements in this area is recognized by GOl and honored for the meritorious service rendered. He is a life member of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Life member of Soil Conservation Society of India and Member of Indian Society of Soil Science. He has over 62 scientific papers to his credit and authoured books and bulletins which were issued as Government Publications.

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