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Environmental Impact Assessment: Theory and Practice
Author(s) :M. Anji Reddy

ISBN : 9788178003047
Name : Environmental Impact Assessment: Theory and Practice
Price : Currency 2995.00
Author/s : M. Anji Reddy
Type : Text Book
Pages : 785
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2022
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is one of the most important tools employed in contemporary environmental management. EIA is now firmly on the agenda as a result of the introduction of legislation and growing concern about environmental issues and the impact of development on the environment. Presenting all the components of environment, this book provides students and practitioners with a rigorous grounding in EIA theory including air, water, land, noise, biological and socio economic aspects and screening and scoping, impact identification, prediction, monitoring, evaluation and public involvement. This book also provides the proponent with the procedure to obtain environmental clearance for developmental projects as per environment protection act.

Dr. V. Bakthavatsalam, Chairman, Andhra Pradesh

State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority

(SEIAA), MoEF, Govt. of India.

The book begins with the elaborate rendering of the prevailing environmental policies, acts, rules and regulations. The philosophy of environmental impact identification and mitigation has been well dealt. Impacts and their management on environment related to air, water, land, noise, biological and socioeconomic have been exhaustively handled including Indian practices. As stakeholder management is imperative, a complete chapter is devoted to public involvement. The book provides an informative, scholarly and enjoyable reading to students, academicians and researchers who care for sustainable development.

Dr. P.G. Sastry, Former Chairman,

EAC, MoEF, Govt. of India

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) has become a vital management exercise worldwide. EIA is a means for evaluating the likely consequences of proposed major action which can significantly affect the environment. This book written by Dr. Reddy provides an authoritative text and is designed to help decision makers gain an understanding about various impacts on natural environment. Also this book will be extremely useful as text book mainly to civil engineering, and environmental science students taking course work in EIA.

Dr. Rameshwar Rao, Vice-Chancellor, JNTUH


1. Environmental Policies, 2. Conceptual Facets of EIA, 3. EIA Study Planning and Management, 4. Baseline Data and Environmental Setting, 5. Impact Identification Methods, 6. Impacts on Air Environment, 7. Impacts on Water Environment, 8. Impacts on Soils and Land Environment, 9. Impacts on the Noise Environment, 10. Impacts on the Biological Environment, 11. Impacts on the Socioeconomic Environment, 12. Mitigation and Impact Management, 13. Technology in EIA,  14. EIA Practice in India, 15. Public Involvement in EIA

About the Author

Anji Reddy  Mareddy is a Professor of Environmental Science and Technology, Centre for Environment, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (JNTUH) India. Dr. Reddy received his Ph.D. in Remote Sensing (Civil Engineering) from JNTUH in 1995, M.Tech. Civil Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur in 1989 and M.Sc. in Geology and Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) from Andhra University, in 1986 and 1984 respectively. He has more than 24 years of teaching and research experience. Dr. Reddy's research interests include environmental impact assessment methods and strategies, execution of operational EIA projects, environmental management, pollution source evaluation and environmental protection methods, remote sensing, GIS and GPS. He has guided 28 Ph.D. students, more than 160 M.Tech. students and executed more than 25 sponsored research projects. Dr. Reddy has published and presented more than 180 research papers. He also delivered number of lectures on these areas of research in national and international institutions. He authored textbooks, namely, Remote Sensing a n d Geographical Information System, Geoinformatics for Environmental Management, Digital Image Processing and Environmental Science and Technology and also edited the seven proceeding volumes of International Conference on Environmental Management. This book is his fifth textbook which is an outcome of six years of his experience as Chairman of Andhra Pradesh State Environmental Expert Appraisal Committee (SEAC) constituted by Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India with the recommendation of Government of Andhra Pradesh. Awards received by him are Rotary Vocational Excellence Award 2009, AP SCIENTIST AWARD 2010 in recognition of outstanding services rendered in the area of environmental sciences and technology, EIA and environmental management systems. Best Teacher Award-2012 from Govt. of Andhra Pradesh and AP fellow of A.P. Academy of Sciences.
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