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Engineering Principles of Ground Modification
Author(s) :Manfred R. Hausmann

ISBN : 9789351341871
Name : Engineering Principles of Ground Modification
Price : Currency 995.00
Author/s : Manfred R. Hausmann
Type : Text Book
Pages : 632
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2013
Publisher : Mc Graw Hill/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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Part-I:  Introduction, 1. Introduction to Engineering Ground Modification, Part -II: Mechanical Modification, 2. Introduction to mechanical modification, 3. Principles of soil Densification,  4. Properties of compacted soil, 5. Compaction Control tests, 6. Specification of compaction requirements, Part –III: Hydraulic Modification, 7. Introduction to Hydraulic Modification, 8. Hydraulics of slots and wells, 9. Designing of Dewatering systems (Excavations and slopes), 10. Filtration, Drainage, and seepage control with Geosynthetics, 11. Preloading and the use of Vertical Drains, 12. Electrokinetic Dewatering and stabilization, Part –IV: Physical and Chemical Modification, 13. Modification by admixtures, 14. Modification at Depth by Grouting, 15. Thermal Modification, Part –V: Modification by Inclusions and Confinement, 16. Evolution of soil Reinforcement, 17. Mechanical Models of soil Reinforcement, 18. Constructed Strip-, Bar-, Mesh-, and Grid- Reinforced soil, 19. Flexible Geosynthetic  sheet Reinforcement, 20. In Situ Ground Reinforcement: Ground Anchorage, Rock Bolting, and soil nailing, 21. Soil Confinement by Formwork
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