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Introduction to Computer Networks and Cybersecurity
Author(s) :Chwan-Hwa (John) Wu, J. David Irwin

ISBN : 9781466572133
Name : Introduction to Computer Networks and Cybersecurity
Price : Currency 1695.00
Author/s : Chwan-Hwa (John) Wu, J. David Irwin
Type : Text Book
Pages : 1336
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2013
Publisher : CRC Press/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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An Introduction to Information Networks, SECTION 1 — APPLICATIONS, 1. The Application Layer, 2. DNS and Active Directory, 3. XML-Based Web Services, 4. Socket Programming, 5. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Networks and Applications, SECTION 2 — LINK AND PHYSICAL LAYERS, 6. The Data Link Layer and Physical Layer, 7. The Ethernet and Switches, 8. Virtual LAN, Class of Service, and Multilayer Networks, 9. Wireless and Mobile Networks, SECTION 3 — NETWORK LAYER, 10. The Network Layer, 11. IPv6, 12. Routing and Interior Gateways, 13. Border Gateway Routing, SECTION 4 — TRANSPORT LAYER, 14. The Transport Layer, 15. Packet Loss Recovery, 16. TCP Congestion Control, SECTION 5 — CYBER SECURITY, 17. Cyber Security Overview, 18. Firewalls, 19. Intrusion Detection/Prevention System, 20. Hash and Authentication, 21. Symmetric Key Ciphers and Wireless LAN Security, 22. Public Key Cryptography, Infrastructure and Certificates, 23. Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) Protocols for Transport Layer Security, 24. Virtual Private Networks for Network Layer Security, 25. Network Access Control and Wireless Network Security, 26. Cyber Threats and Their Defense, SECTION 6 — EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES, 27. Network and Information Infrastructure Virtualization, 28. Unified Communications and Multimedia Protocols
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