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Conflict in Organizational Groups
Author(s) :Kristin J Behfar, Leigh L Thompson

ISBN : 9780749451011
Name : Conflict in Organizational Groups
Price : Currency 495.00
Author/s : Kristin J Behfar, Leigh L Thompson
Type : Text Book
Pages : 293
Year of Publication : 2007
Publisher : Kellogg/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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PART 1: CONFLICT AND THE INDIVIDUAL GROUP MEMBER, 1. Conflict within and between Organizational Groups: Functional, Dysfunctional, and Quasifunctional Perspectives, 2. Garnering the Benefits of Conflict: The Role of Diversity and Status Distance in Groups, 3. Group Heterogeneity and Faultlines: Comparing Alignment and Dispersion Theories of Group Composition, 4. Does One Rotten Apple Spoil the Barrel? Using a Configuration Approach to Assess the Conflict-Inducing Effects of a High-Neuroticism Team Member, 5. Selective Consequences of War, PART 2: CONFLICT AND GROUP PROCESSES, 6. Group Conflict as an Emergent State: Temporal Issues in the Conceptualization and Measurement of Disagreement, 7. Conflict and Autonomy in Teams: Integration and New Directions for Research, 8. The Differential Effects of Trust and Respect on Team Conflict, 9. Confronting Members Who Break Norms: The Influence on Team Effectiveness, 10. Intervening in Intrateam Conflict
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