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Applied Physics (As per JNTU Syllabus)
Author(s) :T. Bhima Sankaram, G. Prasad

ISBN : 9788178003146
Name : Applied Physics (As per JNTU Syllabus)
Price : Currency 275.00
Edition : 4th Edition
Author/s : T. Bhima Sankaram, G. Prasad
Type : Text Book
Pages : 598
Year of Publication : 2014
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book

This edition of 'Applied Physics' primarily aims at the syllabus of Physics in Engineering Colleges in Andhra Pradesh as well as in other states of the country. The subject is treated in a simple way, at the same time with necessary focus on the concepts that are essential for the students as well as the teachers.......


1. Bonding in Solids, 2. Crystallography and Crystal Structures, 3. X-Ray Diffraction, 4. Defects in Crystals, 5. Elements of Statistical Mechanics, 6. Principles of Quantum Mechanics, 7. Band Theory of Solids, 8. Semiconductor Physics, 9. Physics of Semiconductor Devices, 10. Dielectric Properties, 11. Magnetic properties, 12. Lasers

About the Author

Sri. T. Bhima Sankaram is a retired professor from department of Physics, Osmania University. He was associated with Osmania University as a student, a research scholar and a teacher for over forty years. As a teacher, he had genuine interest in his students and  his commitment to the students had always been useful to them. He was instrumental along with Dr.G.Prasad in establishing Impedance spectroscopy as a tool for the characterization of ferroelectric ceramics and dielectrics. He was also instrumental in establishing the measurement and study of magneto- electric signal in ferroelectro-magnetic- ceramics in Osmania University. He was a part of many research schemes in the above fields. He, along with his collaborators published several research papers in international journals of repute and the publications are well recognized and referred internationally. He was the founder Principal of Swarna Bharathi College of Engineering, Khammam and co- participant with its chairman Prof S.Pullaiah in the  establishment of that Institute. He has great fascination for writing several interesting topics and this is the motivation for the present edition.

Prof.G.Prasad is a professor of physics in the department of Physics, Osmania University. He obtained his post graduation from Osmania University and Ph.D. From  I.I.T., Kharagpur. He started his research in radiation induced defects in ionic crystals, and with time shifted to a very important field of dielectric and ferroelectric systems. He has been actively carrying work on very important group of ferroelectrics, multiferroics, relaxors, etc. He has been handling research projects from UGC, DST, and DRDO. He likes modeling and is associated with modeling of piezoelectric crystal behavior. He is also associated with the work on nano powders of ceramic dielectrics. He has been associated with Dr.Bhima Sankaram in the study of several ferroelectric ceramics. He has more than eighty research publications to his credit.
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