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Handbook of Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology
Editor(s) :Robert Doering, Yoshio Nishi

ISBN : 9781574446753
Name : Handbook of Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology
Price : Currency 6000.00
Edition : 2nd Edition
Editor/s : Robert Doering, Yoshio Nishi
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 1720
Year of Publication : Rpt.2014
Publisher : CRC Press/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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1. Introduction to Semiconductor Devices, 2. Overview of Interconnect-Copper and Low-Κ Integration, 3. Silicon Materials, 4. SOI Materials and Devices, 5. Surface Preparation, 6. Supercritical Carbon Dioxide in Semiconductor Cleaning, 7. Ion Implantation, 8. Dopant Diffusion, 9. Oxidation and Gate Dielectrics, 10. Silicides, 11. Rapid Thermal Processing, 12. Low-Κ Dielectrics, 13. Chemical Vapor Deposition, 14. Atomic Layer Deposition, 15. Physical Vapor Deposition, 16. Damascene Copper Electroplating, 17. Chemical-Mechanical Polishing, 18. Optical Lithography, 19. Photoresist Materials and Processing, 20. Photomask Fabrication, 21. Plasma Etch, 22. Equipment Reliability, 23. Overview of Process Control, 24. In-Line Metrology, 25. In-Situ Metrology, 26. Yield Modeling, 27. Yield Management, 28. Electrical, Physical, and Chemical Characterization, 29. Failure Analysis, 30. Reliability Physics, 31. Effects of Terrestrial Radiation on Integrated Circuits, 32. Integrated-Circuit Packaging, 33. 300 Mm Wafer Fab Logistics and Automated Material Handling Systems, 34. Factory Modeling, 35. Economics of Semiconductor Manufacturing
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