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Elementary Pharmacoinformatics
Author(s) :T. Durai Ananda Kumar

ISBN : 9788178003153
Name : Elementary Pharmacoinformatics
Price : Currency 495.00
Author/s : T. Durai Ananda Kumar
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 360
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2023
Publisher : PharmaMed Press/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book

Elementary Pharmacoinformatics is a comprehensive guide to the informatics based discipline of pharmacoinformatics, which is concerned with the design, discovery, and development of drugs using high performance computing and graphic tools. With 29 chapters that cover principles and applications of health informatics, cheminformatics, and bioinformatics, this book is an essential resource for students of pharmacy, bio-technology, and biomedical engineering, as well as other interdisciplinary fields. The book is designed to be user-friendly, featuring neat and self-explanatory diagrams and practical applications for each chapter. It also emphasizes molecular level approach of drug design strategies and in-silico methods of drug information and drug design. Also, the book contains an application section that provides hand-on experience for students.

This concise source of information is an indispensable reference that will help students visualize the concepts and principles of pharmacoinformatics.


1. Databases, 2. Data Mining, 3. Search Machines, 4. Drug Information, 5. Pharmacy Automation, 6. Drug Discovery, 7. Drug Development, 8. Drug Design, 9. Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship (Qsar), 10. Virtual Screening, 11. Target Identification, 12. Molecular Modeling, 13. Docking, 14. Arguslab, 15. Biological Databases, 16. Biophysical Techniques, 17. Molecular Biology, 18. Homology Modeling, 19. Sequence Similarity, 20. Dot Matrix, 21. Dynamic Programming, 22. Heuristic Method, 23. Sequence Comparison Methods, 24. Phylogenetic Analysis, 25. Gene Prediction, 26. Scoring System, 27. 3d Structure Prediction Using Swiss Model, 28. Molecular Visualization, 29. Receptors

About the Author

T. Durai Ananda Kumar, M Pharm, is working as a senior Assistant Professor, in the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Gokaraju Rangaraju College of Pharmacy, Bachupally, Hyderabad. He is handling Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacoinformatics subjects for B. Pharmacy and M. Pharmacy students. His research activities focus on the synthesis of small molecules, generalization of phase transfer catalysts using DoE and molecular modeling studies on nitrogen heterocycles. He is guiding research projects for M. Pharmacy (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) students. The author is life member of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India and has several research publications in reputed national and international journals.
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