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Public Private Partnerships in Infrastructure Sector
Editor(s) :V. Sudha, B. Krishna Reddy

ISBN : 9789381075388
Name : Public Private Partnerships in Infrastructure Sector
Price : Currency 1295.00
Editor/s : V. Sudha, B. Krishna Reddy
Type : Text Book
Pages : 488
Year of Publication : 2011
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book

Quality in infrastructure services at a reasonable cost, is one of the necessary conditions for achieving sustained economic growth. Government recognises the critical need for infrastructure and assigns high priority to develop various infrastructure services such as power, telecommunications, seaports, airports, railways, roads etc. The application of Public – Private Partnership (PPP) principles has grown over recent years as the advantages of blending private sector resources and skills with the public ones has become evident. It has also become clear the PPP architectures are complex and such projects require a detailed understanding of their design and implementation features.

     In order to create awareness on the various aspects of Public Private Partnerships among academia and industry, the Department of Business Management organized a National Seminar sponsored by Infrastructure Corporation of Andhra Pradesh (INCAP) and University Grants Commission (UGC) on “Public Private Partnerships in Infrastructure Sector.” This book is a compendium of the conference proceedings, designed as a practical tool for PPP practitioners and researchers.

It focuses on five key areas:

     1.  PPPs – Overview, Need and Context

     2.  Conceptual Framework of PPPs

     3.  Social Impact of PPPs

     4.  Sectoral Analysis of PPPs

     5.  PPP Enablers and Case Studies


part I : ppps in infrastructure – overview, need and context, part ii: conceptual framework of ppps, part iii: social impact of ppps, part iv: sectoral analysis of ppps, part v: ppp enablers and case studies

About the Editors

Dr. V.Sudha MBA, PhD is Senior Assistant Professor at the Department of Business Management, Osmania University. She has specialized in Finance and HR. Her research interests include Capital Markets, Corporate Finance and Financial Inclusion.

            Dr. Sudha has been involved in a project of X Finance Commission on “Girls Education – Role of NGOs.” Dr. Sudha has been awarded the Career Award for Young Teachers by AICTE. She is a research supervisor at Osmania University and is presently guiding eight scholars. She has presented several papers in India and abroad. She has 20 publications in National and International Journals. She has organized several academic programmes and has an edited book to her credit.

            Dr. Sudha has delivered lectures at various colleges as guest faculty and is associated with several companies as academic consultant.  

Dr. Krishna Reddy Bhimavarapu MSc, MPhil, Ph D, is a Professor and Head, Dept. of Business Management, Osmania University, Hyderabad, A.P., India. He served the University in several Academic and Administrative positions for the last 25 years.

Prof. Krishna Reddy has received BEST PAPER Award from Industrial Engineering journal for his paper “CLUSTERING – AN EFFECTIVE TOOL FOR ANALYSING BREAK DOWN PATTERNS” in the year 2008.

            His research interests and publications are in the areas of – Supply Chain Management, Data Analysis and Modeling, Marketing Research, Statistics and Operations Management. He has published over 40 articles in journals, conference proceedings & books. He was a speaker in number of teacher training programmes and delivered several guest lectures at various colleges for MBA students.

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