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Introductory Computer Vision, Imaging Techniques and solutions
Author(s) :ADRIAN LOW

ISBN : 9788178001388
Name : Introductory Computer Vision, Imaging Techniques and solutions
Price : Currency 1295.00
Edition : 2nd Edition
Author/s : ADRIAN LOW
Type : Text Book
Pages :
Year of Publication : 2008
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book

This book is a major update of Prof. Adrian Low’s first edition entitled “Introductory Computer Vision and Image Processing”, published by McGraw Hill in 1991. Since the first edition was published, there has been a fantastic number of developments in the underlying theory, techniques and applications in computer vision and image processing. The Second Edition brings the science of image up-to-date but still maintains the gentle approach, avoiding substantial mathematics. Recognising that many students want an intuitive understanding rather than a detailed exposition, the book develops ideas in a readable and user-friendly language, adding code where sensible so that, the student can incorporate the ideas into projects without having to recreate the wheel themselves.

Main Features

  • Focussed on small images and few colours precisely so that algorithms can be explained using real  numbers and not just formulae
  • Added new techniques that will help those seeking algorithms to do imaging
  • Described the subject to less mathematical students


1. Introduction, 2. The Image Model, 3. Image Acquisition, 4. Image Presentation, 5. Statistical Operations, 6. Spatial Operations and Transformations, 7. Segmentation and Edge Detection, 8. Morphological and Other Area Operations, 9. Finding Basic Shapes, 10. Labelling Lines and Regions, 11. Reasoning, Facts and Inferences, 12. Pattern Recognition and Training, 13. The Frequency Domain, 14. Applications of Frequency Domain Processing, 15. Image Compression, 16. Texture, 17. Other Topics, 18. Applications

About the Authors

Adrian Low is Professor of Computing Education, and is Research and Enterprise Director in the Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Technology at Staffordshire University in the UK.  He has previously held lecturing posts in Westminister Medical School (part of London University) and at Norwich City College. He was Head of the School of Computing at Sandwell College for two years.

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