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Power System Dynamics : Stability & Control
Author(s) :Padiyar K R

ISBN : 9788178001861
Name : Power System Dynamics : Stability & Control
Price : Currency 1795.00
Edition : 2nd Edition
Author/s : Padiyar K R
Type : Text Book
Pages : 571
Year of Publication : 2008
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book

Modern power system tend to be very complex not only due to increasing demand for quality power, but also on account of extensive interconnections and increasing dependence on control for optimum utilization for existing resources. A good knowledge of system dynamics and control is essential for secure operation of the system. This book is intended to serve the needs of the student and practicing engineers. Basic concepts of stability and analysis, system model, small signal stability analysis, Sub synchronous Resonance (SSR) phenomenon — its analysis and counter measures, transient stability problems and direct methods of stability analysis are described in detail.


• Large number of illustrative examples are included to provide an insight into the applications of the theory.

• A separate chapter on voltage stability is added


1. Basic Concepts, 2. Review of Classical Methods, 3. Modeling of Synchronous Machine, 4. Excitation and Prime Mover Controllers, 5. Transmission Lines, SVC and Loads, 6. Dynamics of a Synchronous Generator Connected to Infinite Bus, 7. Analysis of Single Machine System, 8. Application of Power System Stabilizers, 9 Analysis of Multi machine System, 10. Analysis of Sub synchronous Resonance, 11. Countermeasures for sub synchronous resonance, 12. Simulation for transient stability evaluation, 13. Application of Energy Functions for Direct Stability Evaluation, 14. Transient Stability Controllers, 15. Introduction to Voltage Stability

About the Author

K.R. Padiyar is Emeritus Professor of Electrical Engineering at Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore, India. He obtained M.E. from Indian institute of Sciences, Bangalore and Ph.D from University of Waterloo, Canada. He was with Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur for 12 years prior to joining IISc. His research interests are in the areas of Power System Dynamics & Control, HVDC and FACTS. He has authored over 180 papers and three books including “HVDC Power Transmission Systems” and ‘Analysis of Sub synchronous Resonance in Power Systems’. He is a Fellow of Indian National Academy of Engineering.

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