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Principles of Environmental Studies
Author(s) :Manoharachary C., Jayaramareddy P

ISBN : 9788178001713
Name : Principles of Environmental Studies
Price : Currency 1295.00
Author/s : Manoharachary C., Jayaramareddy P
Type : Text Book
Pages : 305
Year of Publication : 2008
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book

The importance of environmental studies and the need for sustainable development is a key to future of mankind. The continuous exploitation and deterioration of the environment has been recognised worldwide and every country is making efforts in restoring the environment.

     In our country, the Hon. Supreme Court had directed the University Grants Commission (UGC) to introduce a basic course on environment for all undergraduate students. Accordingly, UGC framed a six months core module syllabus to be compulsorily implemented by all Universities.

            This book, while covering the module syllabus has expanded the scope by including subjects like Environmental Economics, Valuation and Management of Environment, Sustainable Resource Development, Regional and Sectorial issues – urban, agro-forestry and river basin environmental issues thus making it comprehensive and suitable for one year course of study.


1. Introduction, 2. Ecosystems, 3. Biodiversity and its Conservation, 4. Natural Resources, 5. Environmental Valuation, 6. Environmental Economics, 7. Environmental Pollution, 8. Environmental Problems in India, 9. Regional and Sectorial Issues, 10. Human Population and the  Environment, 11. Social Issue and the Environment, 12. Sustainable Resource Development, 13. Institutions of Governance : Evaluation of Environmental Policies and Laws in India

About the Authors

C. Manoharachary is a distinguished and Senior Professor and is presently, Emeritus Professor, Department of Botany, Osmania University, Hyderabad. He was one of the expert committee members appointed by UGC to frame the Module syllabus on direction from Hon. Supreme Court of India.

P. Jayarama Reddy retired as Professor of Physics from Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathi. He worked as Director, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (Deemed University), Prasanthinilayam. He initiated solar energy research while teaching at S.V.University which attracted special assistance grants for research from UGC and MNES. He directed several research projects and published around 250 research papers including those on thin film solar cells. He delivered invited lectures in International Conferences and chaired technical sessions.

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