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Probability and Statistics
Author(s) :M. Venkata Krishna

ISBN : 9788178002415
Name : Probability and Statistics
Price : Currency 1495.00
Author/s : M. Venkata Krishna
Type : Text Book
Pages : 311
Year of Publication : 2011
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Books


Probability and Statistics is a core subject of study for all branches of Engineering and Technology. It is also important course of study for MCA students under various Universities. The present book is the outcome of the author’s rich experience in classroom teaching to students of Engineering at Osmania University and other institutions.

            The subject matter is divided into nine chapters for easy understanding of various concepts and theory, aided by many solved examples. Some problems are left for the students to solve.


1. Probability, 2. Random Variables, 3. Distributions , 4. Testing of Hypothesis I, 5. Testing Hypothesis II, 6. Small Samples, 7. Correlation and Regression, 8. Queuing Theory, 9. Stochastic Processes

About the Author

Dr. M. Venkata Krishna, M. Sc, Ph D, is working as Professor and Head of Mathematics Department, College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad. He is also Chairman, Board of Studies in Mathematics. He has vast experience of teaching over three decades, including P.G. Students and guiding research scholars. He has published qualitative research papers in reputed journals. He is on expert panel of many academic bodies including Member of Board of Studies in Mathematics for institutions like JNTU, Hyderabad and Gulbarga University. He is also member of Indian Science Congress and UGC-DST Projects in Fluid Mechanics.

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