About the Book
Medicinal chemistry became more and more the study of the chemical reactions between therapeutic agents and living tissues. Appreciable progress is made, and a book on medicinal chemistry perforce, takes cognizance of the stimulating developments.
This edition is completely revised. The chemical classification of medicinal agents has been retained. Typical syntheses of important medicinal agents have been included, along with a description of properties. Correlations between chemical structure and physiological activities are pointed out. Wherever possible, protoplasmic reactions are indicated. The separate chapter on antibiotics has been added.
1. Compounds composed of Carbon and Hydrogen, 2. Compounds composed of Carbon, Hydrogen and Halogen, 3. Hydroxyl Derivatives of Hydrocarbons, 4. Ethers and Ether Peroxides, 5. Carbonyl Group, 6. Carboxyl Group, 7. Amines and Amine Derivatives, 8. Cyanides and Nitro Compounds, 9. Sulfur Compounds, 10. Compounds of Phosphorus, Arsenic, and Antimony, 11. Cycles Containing one Heteroatom, 12. Cycles with Two or More Heteroatoms, 13. Stereoisomerism, 14. Antibiotics, 15. Organometallic Compounds and Metal Salts, 16. Some Physicochemical Properties of Medicinal Products